I’ve wanted to start writing on Substack for a while now. I’ve been looking for a timely subject that worked well as a first column. In short, it would be suitably important and interesting enough that I could devote the necessary attention to write thoughtfully on the issue. The recent negative results from the MIND Diet Trial, published July 18th in the New England Journal of Medicine, seemingly demanded just such an extended discussion. Rather than start my own newsletter, I’ll be contributing for now to Nina Teicholz’s Unsettled Science. Nina is one of the very few journalists to be reporting critically on nutrition science and policy, and I’m a fan of her work. I’m excited about the promise of Unsettled Science.
Here’s my first post, with Nina’s introduction and my own: Lessons from the MIND Diet Trial.
Please read, pass along to interested friends, and let us know what you think in the comments. Fingers crossed. I hope to write on Substack regularly, weekly or every other week, something I’ve never managed to accomplish on this blog.